7 Exercises To Strengthen Your Buttocks At Home

In this article, we will teach you the most effective exercises to strengthen your buttocks and achieve great results in a few weeks.

There are several methods to strengthen your buttocks. If you want to have a perfect butt, there are some great programs to follow at the gym, or straight from home.

Flabby buttocks are an aesthetic problem that requires effort and a certain amount of diligence to correct. With regular exercise, you can achieve the figure that you dream of.

It is important to take into account, before starting an exercise program centered on the work of the buttocks, that the back should always be straight in each figure. This advice is very important and will help you avoid future problems.

The area you need to work out is the thigh area, not the waist area.  If you feel tightness or pain in your lower back or hips, it means you are performing poorly.

Adjust your posture and do it again. Even if you want to strengthen your buttocks, this is no reason to neglect your back and cause injuries.

The exercises can be done at the gym or directly at home, the important thing is to impose strict discipline, which requires repeating the exercises at least three times a week, and following a healthy diet.

Efforts will be of no use to you if you consume unsuitable foods. Also, remember to drink at least three liters of water, whether or not you are exercising.

The best exercises to strengthen your buttocks


It is without a doubt, the most famous exercise for firming buttocks, thighs and legs. It is an essential exercise in all programs.

There are several variations, including the one with dumbbells, the one with a barbell, or the one that simply uses the body’s weight to generate resistance.

Stand up, spread your feet shoulder-width apart. If you are using dumbbells, you can hold them at your side or with your arms stretched out at shoulder height.

If you are using a barbell, pull it behind your head and support it with your shoulders.

Bend your knees so your whole body comes down. The leg muscles should be parallel to the floor, and the imaginary line starting at your knee should never extend past the tips of the toes.

Hold this position for a few seconds before returning to the starting position. The movement should be slow and steady.

Half-flexions or thrusts

It is a simpler variation of the previous exercise. The starting position is the same and you can use either just your body, a barbell, or dumbbells to increase the resistance.

The feet should be shoulder width apart. Instead of going straight down to the ground, you need to take one step forward, the biggest you can take without losing your balance.

Keep your shoulders in the same axis as your hips. The back leg should flex the knee until it touches the ground.

The knee of the front leg should be no higher than the toe line. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. Then switch back and perform the same number of exercises with both legs.

Hip extensions

Lie on your back on a bench at the gym (or you can do it on your bed), hips on the ledge, legs in the air, and feet on the floor.

Lift both legs at the same time to pull on the muscles in your thighs and buttocks.

Your legs should be at the same height as your hips. Hold this position, then bring one leg closer to your torso and kick into the void.

When one leg is close to the torso, the other should always be at the same height as the hips. Alternate strokes with both legs, so that they meet halfway.

The contraction of the abs to firm the buttocks.

Firm your buttocks with the elevations

Stand in front of a strong bench or chair that is high enough that you can tilt one knee 90 ° and step onto it.

Put your right foot on the bench and elevate your body using the strength of your thighs and buttocks.

Stretch as much as possible, the idea is for your leg to be fully stretched. The left leg should not touch the bench but you can only touch down on your toes.

Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly come back down. Repeat the exercise 5 times with this leg, then do it with the other.

Gluteal work

Put your knees, elbows and forearms on the floor. The knees are in the same axis as the hips. You should contract your stomach and align your shoulders well.

Now lift your left leg until your knee is at the same height as the hips, fully extended. Contract your buttocks for three seconds then return to the initial position. Repeat fifteen times before switching to the other leg.

Glute work and kicks

Begin the exercise in the same position as the previous exercise, resting the elbows, knees and forearms on the floor. Contract your stomach and lift your right leg to hip height.

Kick your leg, as if you are going to kick, either up (as if the soles of your feet are touching the ceiling) or down, while stretching the leg and keeping it straight.

In any case, hold the position for a few seconds. Do eight repetitions and switch legs. In order for the exercise to have more resistance, you can use ankle dumbbells.

Lifting the pelvis to strengthen your buttocks

Lie on your back on a small mattress, support the soles of your feet on the floor while bending your knees. The arms should be parallel to the body. Lift your pelvis upwards to put pressure on your buttocks and thighs.

The back should be diagonally to the ground. Hold the position for a few minutes, and return to the initial position without touching the mattress with the buttocks.

Do ten repetitions, rest, and repeat. A variation of this exercise can be done with a flat dumbbell placed on your stomach.

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