6 Tips To Make Your Kitchen Easier To Clean

To clean your kitchen, you don’t need to invest large amounts of money or spend a lot of time in it. You just need to know how to choose the most suitable products for each task you want to perform.

If there is one area of ​​the house that gets dirty quickly and much more than others, it is the kitchen.

Fat generated in the kitchen is one of the main hygiene issues that can affect this part of the house.

Do not hesitate to follow all the tips that we are going to give you to make your life easier today!

1. Clean your kitchen countertop

Countertops are the parts of the kitchen most likely to get dirty quickly. 

They can be made of various materials, which is why it is important to get a product that will not cause damage to this important area of ​​the room.

For this, we recommend that you know what your worktop is made of, in order to choose a suitable product.

If your countertop is made of marble, you can clean all the stains in the following way.


  • 1 glass of 70 ° alcohol or hydrogen peroxide (200 ml)
  • The juice of a lemon
  • Lukewarm water (as much as needed)

How should you proceed?

Mix the alcohol and hydrogen peroxide with lemon, then with the amount of lukewarm water you need. You will see that, if you scrub a little, you will succeed in cleaning perfectly and making this area of ​​your kitchen shine.

2. Scrub the hood

Hoods are also one of the dirtiest kitchen items. It is very important to clean them regularly to avoid any health risk.

This is an area that accumulates a lot of dirt and requires a little elbow grease to clean.

If you have a steel hood you should know that in order to completely clean and sanitize it you are going to need some gin.

This is a trick that will make your life easier and that you can reuse on any of your appliances or steel utensils.

3. Make your kitchen utensils shine

If your cutlery is oxidized and you don’t know how to catch it, use our technique to restore them to their full shine.


  • ½ onion
  • Salt

How should you proceed?

  • To recover all the shine of your forks and spoons, you can put a little salt on half an onion, then rub it on the damaged areas. If you don’t have an onion handy, you can also use water and washing up liquid. Both tips are equally useful.
  • If your utensils are ceramic, you just need to clean them with a little ammonia and lye.
  • If they are made of wood, you can try cleaning them with lukewarm water mixed with hydrogen peroxide. The result should be perfect.

4. Clean your gas burners

If, instead of ceramic hobs, you have conventional gas burners, we recommend that you clean them using soap and water. You should not forget to clean them when they are very cold.

When you are done, put them back and use them as usual.

This part of the kitchen does not need daily cleaning, but we recommend washing them frequently.

Certain industrial degreasers, specially designed to clean these sometimes stubborn parts, can allow you to get rid of the grease and dirt accumulated in this area more quickly and more effectively.

5. A homemade solution for your kitchen furniture

If your kitchen furniture is dirty, we have a recipe for a homemade cleaner to help you:


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • ½ cup of vinegar (125 ml)
  • ½ cup of vodka (125 ml)

How should you proceed?

  • So that your furniture is clean and not totally taken on by the grease, mix all the ingredients listed above, put them in a bottle with spray, then shake it well so that everything mixes properly.
  • This cleanser can also turn into a terrific disinfectant if you add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil.
  • Thanks to such a simple mixture, you will be able to eliminate all the limescale residues and grease stains which can be difficult to remove.

It is a solution that will undoubtedly be of great service to you.

6. Remove limescale from your kitchen

To definitely say goodbye to limestone, do not hesitate to try our last tip.


  • 2 sachets of citric acid (200 g) (the amount varies depending on the lime you have, you can increase it)
  • Some water

How should you proceed?

  • To attack limescale, fill 2/3 of a teapot, or any other container you need to clean, with cold water. Then add the citric acid sachets.
  • Bring this mixture to a boil for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • After this time, you will be able to see if the tartar that covered your container has disappeared.
  • Then remove your container from the heat and stir it lightly. The bits of limestone that float should show you how effective the process is.
  • After this cleaning, discard the dirty water and rinse your container well.
  • Finally, pour in clean water, boil it again, and then throw it away.
  • Repeat this process twice before you can reuse your container normally.

A simple trick that will allow you to clean all your kitchen utensils!

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