6 Symptoms In The Mouth That Can Indicate A Health Problem

The feeling of having weak teeth can be the consequence of periodontitis. If your teeth ever start to fall out, it can be a clear sign that you have osteoporosis.

We should pay attention to the symptoms that may appear in our mouth. They can indeed indicate problems of other health problems.

Our mouth is a gateway to our body. It provides nutrients to our body through food and water. Two essential elements for it to work in good conditions.

Our mouth plays a fundamental role in our health. But it can also allow many harmful microorganisms to enter our body, and cause disease.

Every day, we are concerned about our oral hygiene. And we eliminate a lot of the viruses and bacteria that can be responsible for dental problems or bad breath.

Pain in the jaw and teeth

symptoms in the mouth that may indicate a health problem: pain in the jaw

If you experience pain in the lower part of your jaw, and subsequently suffer from symptoms such as fatigue or chest pain that radiate into your arms, this may indicate that you are suffering from a heart attack.

If you have pain in the upper part of your teeth, you probably have sinusitis.

This condition occurs when the natural cavities located in the nasal passages are inflamed. They then cause pain that can be felt even in the teeth and head.

However, it is also likely that tooth pain is caused by muscle tension that occurs during the night, especially due to stress.

Oral sores and ulcers

Mouth ulcers, herpes, leukoplakia and candidiasis are the most common types of pays. They can appear at any time in the mouth.

Each type of wound is caused by different causes. It is very important to pay attention to them. This is because symptoms in the mouth can reveal illnesses, infections, feverish conditions, or irritation caused by braces.

Bad breath

6 symptoms in the mouth that may indicate a problem: bad breath

In 90% of cases, halitosis originates in the mouth. It is indeed associated with bacteria found on the posterior part of the tongue as well as gum disease.

However, bad breath can be one of the symptoms in the mouth that can signal type 2 diabetes. Or a dysfunction of the liver, kidneys or intestines.

Changes in the appearance of the gums

If your gums take on a white tint, it means you have anemia. As the number of red blood cells in your body decreases, your gums may appear paler.

Typically, if you have anemia, your tongue may take on a redder tint, as well as an inflamed and shiny appearance.

If your gums are red and inflamed, it probably means you have an infection caused by bacteria, such as gingivitis.

Tooth loss

6 symptoms in the mouth that may indicate a problem: tooth loss

If you start to feel that your teeth are more fragile and your gums are taking on a shiny red tint, it is very important that you see your doctor as you may be suffering from periodontitis.

In this case, the symptoms of gingivitis were not controlled and escalated, affecting the ligaments that support the teeth.

If you don’t notice any sign of infection and your teeth start to fall out, this may be one of the early symptoms in the mouth of osteoporosis occurring.

From menopause on, women should pay close attention to these warning signs.

At this time in their life, the mineral density of their bones tends to drop, which can lead to the development of chronic disease.

Gum bleeding

This symptom is very common and occurs when there is a lesion or infection in the gums. However, if the bleeding is recurrent and not very profuse, it means you may have leukemia.

If you are also suffering from nasal hemorrhage, this may be one of the symptoms in the mouth of liver damage.

The liver has the ability to produce substances that help blood to clot. Therefore, when it malfunctions, it can cause bleeding in the gums and nose.

In any case, you should definitely consult your doctor, as this problem can turn into a more serious disorder.

Menopause and consumption of acetylsalicylic acid can also cause slight bleeding. In both of these cases, there is no need to worry.

A simple mouthwash with a little baking soda can disinfect the entire oral cavity.

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