6 Steps To Lasting Acne Elimination

Having good habits and practicing the right care can make a significant contribution to healthy skin and acne reduction.

Would you like to get rid of acne from your face and have cleaner, more beautiful skin? In this case, you will need to improve certain lifestyle habits, step by step. To help you, we will provide you with various information of interest below.

Before going any further, it should be remembered that acne is a real cosmetic problem because it often affects a very important part for most people: the face. Hence, those affected feel the urgent need to look for options that help them get rid of it.

To get rid of acne, you need to know why it occurs, what factors are involved in rashes and their expansion, as well as other aspects. Ready to find out? Go for it!

What is acne and why does it appear?

According to Dr Ramón Grimalt Santacana, acne is one of the most common skin disorders. More precisely, it is “an inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous unit” characterized by the formation of pimples, papules, pustules, nodules and scars.

Although its exact cause is unknown, it is a problem that arises because the sebaceous glands are working excessively. The result is an accumulation of fat, dead cells and bacteria on the skin. This, in turn, leads to inflammation of the hair follicle and the sebaceous glands themselves.

Tips for removing acne

To get rid of acne as quickly as possible, most people first turn to various homemade preparations and over-the-counter products, such as masks sold in the supermarket.

However, this is not the most appropriate, because in order to enjoy the products and appreciate their benefits, it is necessary to know your skin type, its needs and its peculiarities, and this can only be achieved by going to the dermatologist. for a check.

Once the professional has provided his instructions, it is possible to put into practice the following elements that we will comment on. In short, these are very simple measures that contribute to the health of the skin and thus promote the improvement of acne breakouts.

1. Hydration

eliminating acne requires good hydration

Water is a vital fluid for the body in many ways, as it allows it to perform its functions normally. Therefore, it is advisable to consume sufficient water daily. And in this regard, the two liters are not obligatory to benefit from a good hydration.

Depending on age, gender, lifestyle, health, and other factors, a person may need a liter, a liter and a half, or two. Therefore, it is important that you know how much to drink each day for your skin to be healthier.

2. Question your eating habits

Diet directly influences the health of the skin. Fresh foods like fruits and vegetables nourish and beautify your skin because they are rich in various nutrients. On the other hand, those based on sugars, flour, refined oils or saturated fats have the opposite effect on your skin.

It is common for these foods to be part of the diet: sugary cereals, pasta, pastries, chocolates, cookies, jams, ultra-processed products and the like. They all taste addicting, which is why it is so difficult to stop using them.

However, it is worth stopping to think about some of the health problems that a diet rich in these types of foods usually leads to:

  • The appearance of unwanted acne
  • Increased insulin level
  • Impaired androgen production
  • Excess fat on the skin

3. Don’t wear makeup every day

While makeup is great for highlighting facial features that make you feel better, using it daily and in large amounts can be detrimental to skin health.

  • Whenever possible, choose quality cosmetics as directed by your dermatologist.
  • There are special products on the market for people with acne that have specific and beneficial properties when used.
  • Neutral soaps are not recommended because the normal pH of the skin is acidic. Skin care products should therefore be as close as possible to the normal pH of the skin.
  • Remove makeup and wash your face well before going to bed. Never fall asleep with your face made up.
  • Consider not putting on makeup for at least a few days a week.

4. Maintain good facial hygiene

Nothing is more recommended for relieving acne than keeping the skin free of impurities. This is why it is so important to wash your face frequently with lukewarm water and mild soap.

eliminating acne is above all taking care of yourself
It is not necessary to wash your face every minute, but try to stick to the washing frequency recommended by the dermatologist.

To remove makeup, use a soft cream suitable for your skin type. Never forget to remove residues at the end of the day with a clean towel with soft, light touches on the skin. This will prevent the grease residue on the skin and the resulting irritation.

You can complete this treatment by applying an exfoliant once a week. While there are plenty of options on the market, we recommend the ones you could make with papaya, rose water, or yogurt.

5. Get as much sleep as you need

Getting at least 7 hours of sleep a day gives the body the rest it needs, while also contributing to healthy skin. Did you know that your excretory system works the most when you sleep? Therefore, grooming is all the more necessary in the morning.

A good rest will help you, among other things, to avoid the appearance of undesirable dark circles, to maintain beautiful and healthy skin.

If you can’t get those 7 hours of sleep at night, try taking a quick nap during the day. The nap should last between 20 minutes and 40 minutes.

6. Check what medications you are taking

In some cases, acne is not due to a lack of rest or a poor diet. This is because there are cases where acne is associated with taking certain medications, one of the most common being birth control pills.

If this is your case, before you stop taking contraceptives, it is very important that you consult your doctor. Be aware that sometimes acne does not appear until the first few weeks. Then when the body has adjusted to the medicine, it just goes away.

If your acne does not decrease over the weeks, you can also ask your doctor for an alternative medication. This could be a possible solution that would prevent acne from becoming a problem.

7.Don’t neglect your acne elimination routine

To eliminate acne, never go to bed without removing your makeup

Never give up. Many people, in fact, give up trying to reduce or eliminate acne. It doesn’t have to be your case. You see that with good lifestyle habits you can start showing healthier skin. It is true that it may take a while for results to arrive, but over time you will notice a marked improvement.

What else can you do to get rid of acne?

The best thing you can do to get rid of acne is to consult your dermatologist about the options that are right for you. Keep in mind that the professional is not only there to assess your skin type, but to educate you on its peculiarities, what is right for you and what is not.

Therefore, if you have any doubts about how to properly care for your skin, always consult your dermatologist before applying any type of product, even if it is a homemade preparation.

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