6 Simple Tips For Perfect Hair

By rinsing our hair with cold water, we activate the blood circulation in the scalp, and we seal the hair cuticles, which is why our hair are brighter and softer.

Beautiful hair is the symbol of health and femininity. We all love to have beautiful hair that makes us feel wanted. But we know it is expensive: beauty treatments, treatments or even expensive masks … 

In this article, we’ll give you some simple, natural tips that won’t cost you a dime. Read on!

How to have healthy and beautiful hair

1. Brush your hair twice a day

It may seem obvious to you, but the simple act of brushing your hair twice a day helps stimulate circulation to our scalp,  which promotes hair growth, and improves hair nutrition. Brushing acts like an activating massage that doesn’t cost us a dime. So remember to brush your hair two to three times a day.

2. Rinse your hair with cold water

cold water shower for the hair

Don’t like cold showers? However, they are revitalizing, allow to activate the circulation, and to take care of your hair. Indeed, you should know that hot water damages our scalp, and makes hair dry and dull.

If you rinse your hair with cold water, you will manage to seal the cuticles of the hair, make it more shiny and silky, as it will reflect the light better. Don’t forget that it also promotes hair growth!

3. First the conditioner, then the shampoo.

You knew it ? This is a simple way to protect our hair. By first applying your conditioner, your hair will be better hydrated and a thousand times brighter.

Here is another tip that should not be forgotten: once your conditioner and shampoo are finished, pour a few drops of lemon on your hair at the time of the last rinse, or a spoonful of coconut oil. Give a brief massage, then rinse your hair with lukewarm or cold water. The result is incomparable!

4. Yes to masks twice a week

Avocado conditioner is good for the hair

What are the most suitable masks? Note how to prepare these two simple and economical masks:

  • Egg and beer mask. You just need to mix an egg and half a glass of beer. Then stir until you obtain a smooth cream. Nothing easier, right? Once the treatment is ready, apply it to damp hair, then leave it on for 20 minutes (you can put your hair in a plastic cap to make things easier). Then rinse your hair with cold or lukewarm water. The best is to carry out this treatment once a week in order to bring vitamins to the hair, shine, and strength. Your hair will be gorgeous.
  • Mask with honey and avocado. Here is a remedy known all over the world which will restore all its beauty to your hair. It thus nourishes them to bring them softness and shine. This treatment is particularly recommended for women who dye their hair, because it heals and repairs them. How to prepare it? You will need half an avocado, and two tablespoons of honey. Using a spoon, mix these two ingredients, then apply the mask to damp hair, spreading it well. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. You know the rest, rinse them with lukewarm or cold water. Perform this treatment once a week, what are you waiting for?

5. Beware of chemicals and high temperatures


You probably already know that dyes damage the hair. However, we don’t always have a choice, because we have to cover our gray hair well. If you dye your hair, try to perform the treatments described above on a regular basis in order to better nourish your hair, and to repair the damage caused by the dyes day after day.

Also, be careful not to overuse your hair dryer or straightener, as the heat damages the hair. These devices abuse our hair, deprive it of its oxygenation, shine, and softness. So try not to use them too much, you will see the difference!

6. The secret to good nutrition

You have surely heard it more than once: a good diet reflects on our outward appearance, whether it is on our body or on our hair. Indeed, a deficit in minerals, iron, zinc, magnesium weakens our hair, makes them dull, split ends, dry, etc.  We must therefore pay attention to what we eat, and follow a balanced and varied diet.

Remember, the best foods are those that are high in iron, sulfur, omega 3, potassium, and folic acid.

7. The ideal food for the hair

Where do we find all this food? Take note :

  • SULFUR:   in broccoli, leeks, asparagus, pineapple, or coconut. These are foods that not only help us eliminate toxins, but also improve the synthesis between keratin and collagen.
  • IRON:  Remember to eat green vegetables, as well as lentils, turkey, and chicken. These foods allow us to metabolize the type B vitamin, which is essential for providing hair with iron and for strong, healthy hair.
  • OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS:  Do you like nuts, or oily fish? So, do not hesitate to consume them regularly, because a deficiency in fatty acids weakens the hair, and makes it duller.
  • POTASSIUM: You’ll find it in zucchini, mushrooms, pumpkin, melon, kiwi fruit, salmon, and fermented yogurt. People who are low in potassium usually have weak nails and lose a lot of hair. 
  • FOLIC ACID:  Consume chickpeas, lentils, grains like rice or wholemeal bread, fruits like oranges or other citrus fruits. A low folic acid index often results in anemia and loss of hair because it is weakened. Fortunately, folic acid helps strengthen the hair follicle.

And you, do you take good care of your hair? Otherwise, it’s not too late! Get started today!

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