6 Quick Exercises For A Firm Buttocks

For a well-defined buttocks, diet is as important as exercise. It is good to find a balance between the two and to adapt the exercises to your possibilities.

Most women dream of having firm and defined buttocks, as these are important beauty attributes.

However, many are unaware that in order to get them, it is essential to adopt a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet.

If we mix these two components, we tone the muscles and reduce the presence of cellulite, flaccidity and streaks.

Since many of you cannot go to the gym regularly, here are 6 quick exercises for you to have a firm butt in no time. Put them into practice!

1. The step

The step is an easy exercise to tone and increase the size of the buttocks, and therefore to have firm buttocks. It is a movement that we do on a daily basis, for example when going up and down stairs.

However, here you will be focusing on the muscle groups in the buttocks.

How to do ?

  • Put one foot on a hard base, so that your weight is focused on the center of the foot.
  • Push your hips back and stop on the base, squeezing your buttocks for a few seconds.
  • Make sure you keep your hips and shoulders straight, and your body as well.
  • Lower the foot slowly towards the ground, count three seconds and repeat the movement by alternating the legs.
  • When you dominate this exercise, you can increase its intensity with dumbbells.

2. Elevation of the hips

Raising the hips is a very easy exercise to perform and is ideal for strengthening the buttocks, legs and abdomen.

How to do ?

  • Lie on your back on an exercise mat, bend your knees at a 90 degree angle.
  • Put your feet on the floor, hip-width apart, and tilt your pelvis so that your lower back is flat against the floor. Maintain the incline throughout the exercise to avoid injury.
  • Raise your hips as high as possible, without arching your back.
  • Hold the position for 10 to 20 seconds and rest.

3. Bending with a bar

The exercise par excellence for firm buttocks: flexions. This movement helps burn fat and helps gain muscle mass.

How to do ?

  • First separate your feet at shoulder height, bend your knees and then lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Make sure your knees are no higher than the height of your feet.
  • Take a barbell or dumbbells and go down and up with it.
  • Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions each.

4. The hinge posture

In this little-known movement, you have to move the hips while keeping the spine straight.

How to do ?

  • First separate the feet at hip height and put the head in a neutral position.
  • Then, gradually lower forwards, without losing the firmness of the back.
  • Bend your knees a little and push your hips back until your torso is parallel to the floor.
  • Then take a short break and push the hips forward, squeezing the buttocks tightly.

5. Strides with the dumbbells

For this exercise, one can use a pair of dumbbells for the exercise to work better. 

How to do ?

  • First take a dumbbell in each hand and step forward with the left foot.
  • The bent knee should form a 90 ° C angle and that of the right leg should almost touch the floor.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds and then immediately switch to the other leg.
  • Do between 10 and 15 repetitions, alternating.

6. Lateral strides with an elastic band

In many sports stores, elastic bands are found useful in many home exercise programs.

Even if it is not the most powerful tool, it is nevertheless a good option for making strength movements more easily.

Here, you will take the opportunity to work your thighs and buttocks, thanks to a simple activity that only takes a few minutes a day.

How to do ?

  • First put both feet in the elastic band and place it under the knees.
  • Then spread your feet apart and maintain a distance that allows you to create a square around you by taking small steps.
  • Take 8 steps to the left, 8 steps forward, 8 steps to the right, and 8 steps back.

As you can see, there are a lot of moves you can do in a matter of minutes to have a perfect butt.

Remember that the results depend a lot on your diet and the regularity with which you achieve them. It is also very important to have a firm buttocks.

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