6 Key Points For Building Your Abs

Abdominal muscles are responsible for protecting the spine and back, so it is essential to exercise them, although it should be done with care and without forcing too much to avoid injury.

The abdominals are one of the most problematic areas of the body when losing weight.

As a result, it is often difficult and tedious to strengthen them because the routines are not carried out correctly or the diet-exercise balance is not respected.

From an aesthetic point of view, one often looks for a flat abdomen with marked abdominals, which represent health and athletic performance.

Beyond the visual part, this part of the body is fundamental for our balance, which is why it is important to exercise them and keep them muscular.

However, many people looking to acquire a specific exercise routine dedicated to strengthening the abs don’t know where to start.

They also do not know which exercises to choose according to their needs and how to perform them. If you are one of those people, today we bring you six important points to consider when exercising the abdominals.

What are the abdominals used for?

The main function of the abdominals is to balance the body and keep the back and spine protected.

If we accumulate little fat in this area, it will also be less present in other parts of the body, which will make us healthy and athletic people.

In ancient cultures, men with well-shaped abs were considered to have better survivability. On the other hand, it was also said that this condition gave them good genes to procreate.

Before starting a workout, it’s important to know what your abs are made of:

  • Right abdominal: it is the muscle that draws the “chocolate bars”
  • Internal obliques: they are found under the rectus abdominis and the external obliques
  • External obliques: they are located next to the rectus abdominis. They take care of the development of a muscular hip
  • Abdominal transverse: this is the deepest muscle. It is responsible for supporting all the other muscles, so it is one of the most complex to work with.

composition of the abdominals

Keys to exercising your abs

It is well known that the key to strong abs is a combination of exercise and a balanced diet.

  • Eat fruits and vegetables that provide nutrients and fiber.
  • In addition, it is essential to eliminate sweets, alcohol and excess.

1. The neck

Many people tend to reproduce this serious mistake. However, we should never pull on our necks to propel ourselves. Also, the correct posture is to place your hands under the head but never under the neck.

  • It is advisable to keep a space between the chest and the chin. By maintaining it, we ensure that the work is done in the abdominal area and that the muscles of the neck are not too tight.

2. Elbows

correctly position your elbows during abdominal exercises

To follow on the posture of the arms, we find that of the elbows.

  • It is a common misconception that the elbows should be positioned forward.
  • Instead, they should be directed to the side, open and away from each other to avoid unnecessary pressure on the neck and head.

3. Breathing

Correct breathing is essential to exercise the abdominal area in the best way.

  • This is why we recommend  inhaling before flexing and exhaling air when the abdominals are contracted.
  • This type of breathing prevents fatigue and increases concentration.

4. The back

The back and its position are also one of the most common mistakes when it comes to practicing this exercise.

  • It should be kept in a rounded position, but not arched.
  • Rounding allows you to exercise the desired muscles while protecting the spine.
  • On the other hand, if the lower back is arched and presses on the lumbar area, we abuse it and force on our back unnecessarily.

5. Rest

As with other muscles, it is important to give them a moment of rest after a workout.

  • Stretching after a session of abdominal exercises will help achieve better results and prevent injury and the pain that results from it.

6. Exercise carefully

It is very important to take your time in exercising the abdominals, without rocking or giving impulses.

  • It is preferable to exert an effort which corresponds to our experience and our physical condition.

You are now in possession of the essential keys to start your training and obtain the abs of your dreams. Remember, they should be accompanied by rest, stretching, and other routines to avoid injury.

Remember that good nutrition is essential for their inner strengthening. Exercise properly and thus maintain a healthy and muscular body.

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