5 Ways To Treat Keratosis Pilaris

Among the skin diseases that we can suffer from on a daily basis, we find keratosis pilaris. It consists of small pimples on our skin and is usually caused by genetic factors.

Keratosis pilaris, also called “goosebumps” because of its appearance, is a skin disease caused by excess keratin protein. Although not dangerous, this disorder can be very bothersome for those who suffer from it. What does it consist on ? How do you treat it?

The skin is full of little pimples that mostly appear on the arms, thighs and buttocks, or even on the face. It has nothing to do with cold, fear, or any other emotion that makes our hair stand on end. The skin of people who develop it is like this all the time.

Experts say keratosis pilaris is caused by genetic factors, but eating certain foods can make it worse. Sometimes keratosis pilaris goes away on its own after adolescence. However, in most cases, it needs to be treated to improve symptoms.

5 methods of treating keratosis pilaris

Treatment for keratosis pilaris may include the use of certain creams that soften the skin. However, other treatments and care may also be appropriate. Here are five ways to deal with the situation, regardless of the part of the body affected.

1. Exfoliation

Although no treatment can completely eliminate keratosis pilaris, it is possible to fight it with some home care. The first thing to do is to use a mild soap daily and exfoliate the skin regularly.

Indeed, this disorder consists of the obstruction of the pores caused by the accumulation of dead cells. That is why we have to unclog them in order to avoid the formation of rough areas around them. The ideal is to exfoliate the affected areas once or twice a week.

You can use a brush or an exfoliating cream. You can also make a homemade exfoliating mask with blond sugar, honey and yogurt.

But if you’re buying an exfoliating product, it’s important to make sure it’s as low-chemical as possible so you don’t damage keratosis skin. In addition, it is advisable to do a little test of the product before using it in its entirety.

Exfoliation helps fight keratosis pilaris

2. Treat keratosis pilaris: hydration

Hydration is another fundamental step in the fight against this pathology of our dermis. It is necessary to moisturize the skin every day, morning and evening.

When the skin is well hydrated, it appears more nourished and also healthier. It is best to use creams for atopic skin and avoid creams that are too oily.

Moisturizers containing urea (minimum 10%) or lactic acid (12%) are a very good option. These will help to remove excess keratin from the skin and combat the dryness caused by keratosis pilaris. You will feel immediate relief when applying them.

3. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is another great ally in the fight against keratosis pilaris. It is recommended to add it directly to the moisturizer, which will enhance its effect and be more effective in combating goosebumps.

4.Treat keratosis pilaris: humidifier in winter

A humidifier for adding moisture to the air, mainly during the winter months, is very helpful in fighting goose bumps as it helps hydrate the skin and alleviate dryness. In fact, anyone with dry skin can use this method to relieve the discomfort.

5. Foods containing omega-3s

Eating foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as certain fish, olive oil, and nuts, can also help us fight keratosis pilaris.

This essential fatty acid helps lubricate dead cells and causes them to break down faster. Dietary supplements containing omega-3s can also be used to increase these benefits.

Foods rich in omega-3s are effective against keratosis pilaris

5. Treat keratosis pilaris: microdermabrasion

If home care and remedies aren’t enough, there are some specialist treatments like dermabrasion that can help fight keratosis pilaris. It is best to consult a dermatologist for this option.

Microdermabrasion is a treatment that removes pimples caused by keratosis pilaris by completely cleansing the area. This is an intensive exfoliation procedure. It is performed using a device that rotates very quickly and removes the top layers of the skin.

To apply the microdermabrasion treatment, the skin is usually numbed by anesthesia. After the procedure, the skin is usually painful and very sensitive for a few days or weeks.

Do you suffer from this condition? Try these methods and make your skin look better. However, if you have any doubts or notice any abnormal symptoms, consult your dermatologist.

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