5 Uses Of Activated Charcoal That You Did Not Know

Although activated charcoal has become popular thanks to its purifying capacity, you can also benefit from its many healing properties for your health but also in your care of beauty.

In recent years, many uses of activated charcoal have become popular, both for health and for beauty care.

This product of plant origin has interesting properties that allow it to stand out in natural medicine.

The main virtues of activated carbon are attributed to the micropores that make up its surface. These act as filters to trap compounds present in a gas or liquid.

After being processed at high temperature, it is transformed into a fine black powder which is usually found in the market.

Today, activated charcoal is still positioned as one of the most powerful “natural antidotes” in existence. Indeed, its purifying action allows the adsorption of harmful particles such as poisons and toxins that cause serious health problems.

However, beyond these popular applications, there are other great uses for activated charcoal that you can make yourself at home.

Discover in this article 5 ways to use activated charcoal that will surprise you. Take note of it!

Uses of activated charcoal as a natural remedy

The various uses of activated charcoal have been part of alternative medicine for hundreds of years. However, nowadays activated charcoal is back in fashion as its effects are recognized as powerful remedies to treat many common problems.

Its main use remains the detoxification of the body. However, thanks to its anti-inflammatory, digestive and antioxidant action, it has also been used as the basis for many other treatments.

Find out how to safely use activated charcoal in many remedies.

1. Remedy for swelling and gas

Use of activated carbon against swelling and gas.

Consuming activated charcoal can prevent the unpleasant symptoms of indigestion and excess gas after a heavy meal. Its compounds adsorb particles that interfere with digestion, avoiding inflammatory reactions.


  • 1 teaspoon of activated charcoal powder (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Add the teaspoon of activated charcoal in a cup of water and dilute it well.

Way of consuming

  • Drink the drink before consuming large meals.
  • If you suffer from gas, take it before each main meal.

2. Remedy to relieve the effects of alcohol

While activated charcoal doesn’t absorb alcohol from the blood, it can help if you’ve been drinking too much after a night out.

By taking it with plenty of water, it accelerates the metabolism to promote the elimination of toxins retained by excess alcohol.


  • 1 tablespoon of powdered activated charcoal (10 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  • Add the activated charcoal to the cups of water and mix it well

Way of consuming

  • Drink all the liquid when you experience discomfort from excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Try to drink it in small sips to assimilate it well.

3. Treatment for gout

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, activated charcoal reduces the pain associated with gout. Its direct application reactivates the circulation of the affected areas and significantly reduces the inflammation caused by gout.


  • 5 tablespoons of activated charcoal (50 g)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


  • Mix activated charcoal with water in a deep container.

Mode of application

  • Dip a cloth in the liquid and rub it on the affected areas.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse it off.
  • Repeat the use 2 or 3 times per week, if necessary.

4. Solution to relieve insect bites

Activated charcoal is usually used on the Internet to adsorb the poison injected by dangerous insects.

However, it can also be used externally against milder insect bites. Its anti-inflammatory compounds reduce bruising and prevent allergies.


  • 1 tablespoon of powdered activated charcoal (10 g)
  • ½ tablespoon of organic coconut oil (8 g)


  • Mix the charcoal with organic coconut oil to make a paste.

Mode of application

  • Rub the product on the sting area and leave it on until it dries.
  • Finally, rinse thoroughly with cold water.
  • Repeat its use until you notice a marked improvement.

5. Mask against blackheads

Use of activated carbon against blackheads.

Among the uses of activated carbon, the treatment of blackheads is the most well known. Thanks to its great absorption capacity, it is ideal for purifying the skin.

It will also allow you to remove the residue formed by blackheads by clogging the pores of the skin.


  • 1 teaspoon of activated charcoal powder (5 g)
  • 1 egg white
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)


  • Add the charcoal to a deep bowl and mix it with an egg white.
  • Beat vigorously and add the tablespoons of honey.
  • Make sure you get a homogeneous product.

Mode of application

  • Spread the mask on the areas affected by blackheads.
  • Let it dry for 20 minutes and remove it carefully.
  • Rinse with plenty of cold water to remove any residue.

In conclusion, there are many reasons to always have activated charcoal on hand. So do not hesitate to include it in your first aid kit to treat many daily problems.

It is a natural remedy, simple to use, economical and very useful!

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