5 Sports For People With Knee Pain

Although they don’t have a big impact on the knees, we will have to check for ourselves which ones are best for us based on our feelings.

We have spoken often on our site about the importance of staying active. Likewise, you have surely heard it many times. However, when our knees hurt, exercising becomes uncomfortable. Are there any sports for people with knee pain?

You could of course opt to do nothing. But it would worsen your physical condition and increase knee pain. That is why you should consult your doctor to find out which exercises are recommended for you, how often and at what intensity recommended.

In fact, knee pain is an annoyance that can affect your daily life if you don’t deal with it in time. This is why you should pay attention to the first symptoms and follow your doctor’s instructions once the diagnosis has been made.

Below we tell you which are the 5 ideal sports for people with knee pain.

1. Walking, one of the best sports for those with knee pain

Walking is an ideal sport if your knees hurt.

Walking is a low impact activity that affects the joints very little. We offer it first, because it is the easiest and most convenient sport for people with knee pain.

Walking helps you stay in good physical condition, get vitamin D from outside, and get some fresh air. This activity will also help you relieve discomfort.

The ideal is to start with small steps on flat or smooth and firm surfaces. We therefore recommend that you walk for 30 minutes a day. In addition,  you can divide this time into several short courses.

This is a tip that you should not ignore if the pain is very bad or your knee starts to bother you after a few minutes of exertion.

As your legs gain strength, you can increase the duration and intensity.

2. Cycling

The repetitive movement exerted on the bicycle works the tendons around the knee  and the muscles that support the joints in the area.

Cycling is a low impact sport that gives you the advantage of choosing between a static bicycle and an outdoor bicycle.

If you are one of those people who thinks that cycling will only increase discomfort, you can rest easy, but don’t put pressure on the knees. You should always start with gentle pedaling and increase the effort gradually.

Try doing this three or four times a week for between 25 and 30 minutes to increase your leg strength as well as your cardiovascular capacity.

3. Swimming and water aerobic sports

Swimming is ideal if your knees are painful.

Other recommended sports include swimming and water aerobic sports. In addition to not exerting any pressure on the knees, they are the best option if you have suffered an injury and cannot play any other sport.

Since the water supports the weight of the body, you can perform exercises in the water to improve your stamina and elasticity without straining the knee joints. This will allow you to jump, turn around and turn painlessly.

Exercises of this type are also ideal for people with arthritis, osteoporosis, and fibromyalgia. But wait for your doctor’s approval before you start.

4. The elliptical

The idea of ​​walking does not enchant you as a sport, because you need more of a challenge? In this case, you must try the elliptical.

The force you exert on the elliptical is the same as when you walk. That’s why you won’t hurt your knees. However, you can vary the speed and incline to make the exercise more interesting.

If you are looking to build strength in your legs and improve your cardiovascular abilities, this exercise is what you are looking for.

Start with 15 or 20 minutes to adapt your legs to the movement. The more strength you gain in your legs, the more you can increase the pace and duration of training.

5. Yoga and pilates

Yoga is an ideal sport for joint pain.

Finally, there is yoga and pilates. These are two low impact options that are easy to achieve. You only need a little space.

Both yoga and pilates will allow you to:

  • correct posture
  • improve muscle resistance
  • losing weight
  • strengthen the body
  • relax your mind

The first few times, we recommend that you attend classes taught by professionals. Although the positions are simple, you can get back pain if you hurt them.

Knee pain: some additional recommendations

Now that you have a general idea of ​​the best sports for knee pain, let’s see some more recommendations.

Don’t be too demanding of yourself. Start by practicing for 15 to 20 minutes three times a week and always with the help of an expert. Ask your doctor if you have any contraindications. If you have an invasive injury, your doctor is likely to prohibit certain activities.

In addition, use the appropriate shoes. It is not good to go out with new shoes to go for a long distance. Indeed, you might end up having blisters.

Finally, also avoid wearing shoes that are too flat, as you risk having back pain and aggravating other inconveniences.

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