5 Signs Of Depression You Don’t Know

Since depression impairs brain chemistry, it is possible that the affected person’s reality is distorted and they perceive actions or comments to be negative while in other circumstances she would consider them normal.

A large percentage of people with depression do not realize it until the illness is already well advanced. Do you know what are the signs of depression?

The feeling of sadness is the most obvious symptom. However, many people are unaware that they are going through severe episodes of this psychological disorder.

The problem is that this prevents the implementation of appropriate treatment. This then makes the path to the solution more complex.

In addition, depression manifests itself differently in each case. But there are a series of signals that are best taken into account when identifying this disease.

Since many still ignore the signs of depression, we are going to share with you 5 of them, which are not among the most common.

1. Sudden changes in weight

One of the most visible physical signs of depression is a sudden change in weight.

Losing or gaining more than 5% of your total body weight in a month is a symptom that indicates that something is not working well in the body. 

Here, the unexpected loss of pounds should not be due to a diet or an exercise program: what happens is that the appetite decreases and this generates nutritional deficiencies.

Obviously, this is a symptom to be considered as it can lead to severe episodes of anemia, fatigue and loss of concentration.

On the other hand, if we gain pounds, it is probably that depression causes us to eat more or to suffer from food compulsions (bulimia).

2. Alterations in sleep

This is one of the factors that needs the most attention when it lasts. It is very easy to identify and often causes reactions that are perceived immediately.

However, you have to consider that it may be for other reasons that have nothing to do with depression. The use of electronic devices before sleeping, the fact of eating too much or stress are also factors of poor sleep.

In depressed people, the hours of sleep are altered, so that the person wants to sleep during the day, but has great difficulty falling asleep at night.

A quick solution must be found because the depressive state can quickly lead to the use of drugs or alcohol to overcome the situation, which makes it worse.

3. Nervousness or irritability

Negative mood changes are very common ways of showing worry and sadness. But it is also one of the signals of depression.

Usually, reactions to sleep problems and nutritional deficiencies are triggered by not eating well.

To all this must be added the ability that some people have to irritate others. Indeed, they do not fully understand the situation they are going through.

It can also manifest itself in the form of isolation or loneliness, as one prefers to avoid confrontations.

Depression impairs brain chemistry. It thus distorts the visions of certain everyday situations that one would consider normal in other circumstances. 

4. The feeling of guilt

Having a constant feeling of guilt is common in people who go through depression. The worst part is that it somehow plunges the person into even more negative emotions.

This feeling grows when one makes bad decisions driven by sadness, or following an argument with loved ones.

This factor is quite complicated to grasp because it engages and affects social relations.

5. Pain and discomfort

Until a few decades ago, mental health professionals did not consider emotions to be related to physical pain.

However, a lot of research has been done. Thus, there is indeed a link and in fact, it is much stronger than what we thought.

This can range from hypersensitivity of the skin to muscle pain, stiffness or digestive upset. 

Of course, since all of these disorders have various causes, careful analysis must be carried out. This will determine if they are caused by depression, stress or another psychological condition.


Depression is a serious disorder that cannot be seen through sadness, crying, or other obvious manifestations.

It is a complex and dangerous disease. A professional must accompany you to get to the end of it as quickly as possible. 

Many of the signals of depression can be confused with other illnesses. However, it is important to pay attention to the signals of depression to find the right treatment.

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