5 Reasons To Include Gelatin In Your Diet

The proteins in gelatin can increase energy levels and improve performance. Its regular consumption helps to lose weight more easily and safely.

Do you know the reasons for including gelatin in your diet? Gelatin is a well-known healthy dessert. Indeed, it is low in calories and contains nutrients with a high energy value. In addition, these support the functions of the metabolism, making it easier to lose weight.

For a very long time, it was believed that its consumption was not recommended. This is mainly because of industrial products containing dyes and additives that are not really good for your health. However, it is recommended today in its natural state since it helps to calm hunger in times of anxiety. 

It is, among other things, an ingredient rich in proteins and antioxidant compounds which, once assimilated in the body, promote the formation of muscle mass and other processes involved in weight.

Why is gelatin recommended in the diet? Find out now!

What is gelatin?

Before knowing the benefits of gelatin in the weight loss diet, it is important to first review the definition and composition of this food.

Gelatin is a thickener of animal origin which is obtained by the transformation of connective tissues of the bovine or porcine species.

On the market, you can find tasteless gelatin in powder or sheets, this is generally used in the preparation of desserts and other interesting varieties of recipes. It is mainly composed of collagen but it also provides carbohydrates, antioxidants and water.

Reasons to include gelatin in your diet

There are different reasons why adding gelatin to your diet helps you lose weight. Of course, everything will depend on the preparation methods.

Indeed, if you combine it with healthy and natural ingredients, it is an ideal dessert for any balanced diet. So let’s study its benefits:

1. It calms anxiety

gelatin calms the irresistible urge to eat

One of the major benefits of adding gelatin to the diet is that it helps relieve hunger. Thanks to it, you will enjoy a low-calorie snack that reduces those irresistible cravings that push you to overeat.

2. It improves sports performance

Despite its low calorie content, gelatin is a source of protein and carbohydrates that serve as a source of energy. Associated with its vitamins and minerals, it is a complete food that improves sports performance.

3. It promotes the formation of muscle mass

gelatin helps to gain muscle mass

Arginine is one of the amino acids provided by gelatin. This substance, once absorbed by the body, helps to obtain creatine.

As some already know, this compound is instrumental in the process of building muscle mass. In addition, when combined with other proteins, it is ideal for obtaining a muscular and toned body.

4. It improves digestion

Including gelatin in your diet also aids digestive processes and improves the assimilation of certain nutrients. This is due to the presence of an amino acid called glycine, which stimulates hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It also fights constipation and reduces acid reflux. 

5. It is free from fat and cholesterol

Unlike other diet desserts, light gelatin contains no fat or cholesterol. So if you avoid preparations with added sugars or artificial ingredients, it is a very healthy snack that does not make you fat.

Menu with gelatin to lose weight

The best way to get the benefits of gelatin in your diet is to incorporate it in the most natural way possible. While there are many great gelatin desserts on the market, the majority involve the use of other calorie-dense ingredients. 

In addition, light recipes with gelatin can be eaten in the middle of the morning or as a snack. However, it can also be offered in “juice” since in this form it can easily be added to the menu of any weight loss diet. We give you an example:


  • 1 glass of gelatin juice (200 ml)
  • 1 cup of tea or coffee (250 ml)
  • 2 slices of wholemeal bread with cream cheese
  • 1 fruit of your choice

To taste

  • 2 tablespoons of brown rice (40 gr)
  • 1 ration of chicken or fish (100 gr)
  • 3 rations of steamed vegetables
  • 1 large bowl of mixed salad
  • 1 portion of liquid gelatin with fruit

Having dinner

  • 1 bowl of vegetable soup
  • Light gelatin ration
  • 1 cup of green tea (250 ml)

Note: the proposed menu is only an example of how to combine gelatin with your diet. The daily diet should not be based only on the foods mentioned.

Gelatin juice for weight loss

Gelatin juice can be consumed for breakfast but also at snack time. It is, in fact, a quick and easy alternative to benefit from the virtues of this food in the diet.

However, it should not be taken excessively since it has a laxative effect.


  • 3 tablespoons of tasteless gelatin (45 gr)
  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)
  • Pieces of fruit (as desired)
  • 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds (15 gr)
  • 1 spoonful of grated ginger (5 gr)
  • Ice cubes (optional)


  • Dilute the tasteless gelatin in a cup of hot water.
  • Transfer it to a food processor and mix it with the other ingredients.

Way of consuming

  • Divide the juice into two servings per day:  one in the morning and one in the middle of the afternoon.

Haven’t you integrated gelatin into your regular diet yet? As you have seen, it is a food with many benefits. So, prepare it with light recipes and convert it into an ally in your diet.

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