4 Foods That Make Our Face Unrecognizable

Even if we are not celiac, the appearance of blackheads or swelling of the face can be signs that we are intolerant to gluten. It may sound hard to believe, but there are many foods that can change the expression of our face.

Take note because we are going to tell you about them below as well as how they act on our face.

1. Wine for our face

Wine makes our face unrecognizable.

One of the characteristics of people who drink a lot of wine is that they have very marked wrinkles as well as spots on the nasal bridge. They also have fine lines under their eyes and their eyelids are swollen.

In addition, their skin is dehydrated and tends to redden and the pores dilate.

This is all due to the large amount of sugar in wine, in addition to pesticides and sulphites. This is why alcoholic drinks cause dehydration.

As a result, the body loses water, the liver is working too hard, and the next day you have stomach problems. All of this makes your skin wrinkled, saggy and with redness.

In addition, if you consume a lot of alcohol for a long time, it can end up impairing the functioning of gut bacteria and become the cause of many diseases.

To correct this problem, you should stop all alcohol consumption for at least 3 weeks. This will allow your skin to recover.

2. Milk

Milk makes our face unrecognizable.

There are also some commonalities for people who consume too much dairy products. In this case the face shows dark circles and swollen eyelids.

Plus, it causes blackheads and pimples on areas like the chin.

Milk can also seriously affect the color of your face, even if you are a lactose tolerant person.

This is what happens because as we get older we lose a lot of enzymes that help us digest lactose better.

Although not an intolerance, it does cause certain changes on the body and face. So, if you see that your face is swollen and your skin is pale, you will need to avoid dairy products for a few weeks.

This way you will be able to see if you have better skin and if these symptoms go away. If so, you will be able to confirm the link with the consumption of dairy products.

3. Sugar

Sugar makes our face unrecognizable.

There is also a very characteristic face of people who consume too much sugar. It is characterized by deep wrinkles on the upper face, bags under the eyes, thin pale skin and acne.

Sugar, in addition to being an ingredient that should be consumed in moderation because it can make you gain weight, also influences the condition of your skin.

This food intensifies glycation, which is the process by which excess glucose molecules stick to collagen, damaging it and making it less elastic.

All this accelerates the aging of the skin and promotes the formation of wrinkles in addition to altering pigmentation.

If you are looking for perfect skin, one of the first things you should do is reduce your sugar intake to a minimum and go for other alternatives.

4. Gluten

Gluten makes our face unrecognizable.

Consuming too much gluten-containing products is harmful for people with celiac disease.

The face of a person who consumes too much gluten is characterized by black dots on the forehead, cheeks and chin, reddened cheeks, and a swollen face.

If you notice these signs, you should be aware that they may be symptoms of your body’s inability to digest gluten.

Gluten is a type of protein that can be found in foods such as:

  • Corn
  • Rye
  • Oats
  • Barley

In addition, it is also present in drinks of the type:

  • Beer
  • Whiskey
  • Vodka

If you have any doubts about your gluten intolerance, you can check it out simply: try to exclude these products from your diet for 2 to 3 weeks.

Eliminate any products that may contain gluten and observe if there are any changes on your skin.

If after two weeks your symptoms haven’t gone away, you may be intolerant of something, but not gluten.

However, for weight reasons, it is best to eliminate fast carbohydrates as well as products containing refined flour from your diet.

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