4 Alternative Treatments To Control Snoring

Snoring can be caused by certain health problems or certain lifestyle habits. Therefore, alternative treatments can help control its causes.

Controlling snoring in a natural way is the goal, not only of those who suffer from it, but especially of those who sleep with them. In addition, daily snoring is linked to other health problems, such as cardiovascular or respiratory problems.

In this article, we are going to share with you some alternative treatments whose properties have been studied although their use, in some cases, is based on purely anecdotal data. However, thanks to them, we might be able to successfully control snoring and avoid other more invasive options.

Snoring treatment

Snoring is the result of resistance to the passage of air through the lungs and is also a symptom of breathing problems. When it comes to heavy snoring, it is considered to be a sleep disorder.

For many years, surgery has been the definitive treatment for this condition. It consisted of electrical stimulation of the dilator muscles of the upper respiratory tract.

CPAP to control snoring

The CPAP is a device with continuous positive airway pressure. The doctor prescribes this device to treat sleep apnea and therefore also to control snoring.

This device uses air pressure to compress the tongue and open the throat so that air can pass more easily. However, this system can also have side effects.

Alternative treatments to control snoring

1. A low sodium diet

First, although research is still lacking, a diet low in sodium and high in diuretic foods is proposed. It may be beneficial in controlling snoring because it reduces the body’s fluid content, which is associated with worsening sleep apnea.

At bedtime, these fluids travel from the legs to the neck. Therefore, combating water retention can provide relief from snoring. The following guidelines are proposed:

  • Eliminate salt from the diet
  • Season dishes with spices, aromatic herbs, garlic, onion, lemon, etc.
  • Do not processed foods, such as sauces, soups, sausages, preserves, soy sauce, cheese, etc.
  • Increase the consumption of fruits, salads and vegetables in general

2. Ginger, turmeric and garlic

Control snoring with ginger

Second, we offer you three medicinal foods that stand out for their anti-inflammatory properties: ginger, turmeric and garlic. By consuming them regularly, the inflammation of the airways that snoring promotes could be reduced.

These foods can be incorporated into our diet or taken as supplements. Plus, they are powerful antioxidant and cleansing remedies that will help us improve our overall health.

3. Magnesium

The third alternative treatment to control snoring would be a magnesium supplement. This mineral has been shown to be effective in balancing the nervous system, reducing inflammation and improving the quality of sleep, among other benefits.

However, this supplement should be accompanied by other improvements in our diet and lifestyle to see any improvement. In addition, we always recommend taking the supplements under medical supervision.

4. Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a type of psychotherapy that uses guided methods of relaxation and intense concentration. Until recently, it was used as an alternative treatment for alcoholism and to aid weight loss.

However, research has shown that this hypnosis technique can help a person roll over when they start to snore. She would achieve this by practicing self-hypnosis and, over time, it would reduce the intensity and duration of snoring.

Treatments that cannot control snoring

Today we can find many devices or products that promise to help us control snoring in a simple and natural way. They are very tempting because they promise quick results and, in general, at a good price. However, in most cases their effectiveness has not been demonstrated.

Some of these products are:

  • Anti-snoring bracelets with electrodes.
  • Sprays to remove excess nasal flow, which can work but only in case of snoring due to nasal congestion in catarrhal processes.
  • Nasal strips to open the nostrils, which only act superficially but not on the soft palate, so they are also associated with cases of nasal congestion.

Now we know a few natural options for controlling snoring. Making some changes in our diet can be of great help, as well as being able to try hypnotherapy and magnesium as a supplement. In addition, we must not overlook the importance of the fight against overweight and the fight against smoking.

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