3 Ways To Make Vegan Smoothies

Vegan smoothies aren’t just randomly chosen “green” ingredients. For such a smoothie to be really delicious, you have to know how to prepare it and which ingredients go well together.

Vegan smoothies are mixtures of several ingredients presented in liquid form to be consumed as a drink.

As these are vegan preparations, the ingredients chosen must be of plant origin. This means that cow’s milk, products derived from milk, and liquid cream are not allowed.

To prepare a vegan smoothie, it is not enough to take a handful of each ingredient and mix them together.

This is a mistake very often made by people who want to adopt a more nutritious diet.  And, generally, the taste obtained is far from satisfactory.

It makes sense… Some fruits and vegetables don’t go well together at all. You have to learn how to choose the right ingredients.

Discover three ways to prepare vegan smoothies here.

1. Make vegan smoothies based on color

Vegan smoothies made with oranges

One of the easiest ways to make vegan smoothies is to mix ingredients of the same color. For example: red apples, watermelon and strawberries.

Another trick is to play with the quantities in order to obtain the desired consistency.  Unlike juices, the ingredients are not mixed with half a liter of water. The texture of the smoothies should be thick enough.

Wondering what  colors  are the most common smoothies? Red, yellow and green smoothies are the most common smoothies. When you master the technique of preparing red, yellow, and green smoothies, you can tackle pink, purple, blue …

Keep the following information in mind.

  • Green smoothies. They generally contain more vegetables than fruits, hence the green color.
  • Red smoothies. They contain more fruits than vegetables.
  • Yellow smoothies. The quantity of fruits and vegetables is more balanced.

2. Make vegan smoothies according to taste

Another way to make a vegan smoothie is to define the kind of taste we want to achieve. Do we crave a lemon drink or a sugary drink?

Depending on this criterion, you will be able to choose the ingredients that suit you best. If you want to make a lemony smoothie, opt, for example, for orange, lemon and grapefruit.

  • Lemon smoothies. The most popular ingredients are orange and lemon. Here are some other fruits to consider: passion fruit, pineapple, tangerine, grapefruit, clementine.
  • Sweet smoothies. The base of sweet smoothies is usually bananas. Other ingredients that can be used: apple, mango, pear.
  • Mixed smoothies. Bananas make a good base. You can then add, for example, avocado, cocoa powder, peanuts. The strawberry and banana smoothie is a great option.

We recommend that you avoid mixing sour fruits with sweet fruits. Generally, the taste obtained is not pleasant to the palate.

Another important consideration is to opt for seasonal ingredients : they will not only be fresher but also cheaper.

3. Make vegan smoothies based on nutrients

Red vegan smoothies

Once you have mastered the first two ways, we recommend making vegan smoothies based on nutrients. This is the most interesting option for health. 

Although the color obtained will not necessarily be the most beautiful, the content of vitamins, minerals and fiber will be high.

If you want to do it full of energy, you need to know what ingredients are high in vitamins in order to incorporate them into your preparations consistently.

You will understand… Vegan smoothies can really be delicious as long as you choose the right combinations of ingredients.

For this, we advise you to reproduce some juice and smoothie recipes, then to introduce some variations in order to create your own variations.

This is much simpler than it looks. Don’t be discouraged and get started! These nutrient-dense drinks are the perfect complement to a healthy, balanced diet. 

Be aware that the base can vary from one smoothie to another. Tea and vegetable drinks (oats, coconut, almonds or soy) can be the basis of a smoothie.

These bases bring a particular taste to the drink, which is why you have to make your choice.

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