3 Ways To Make A Tasty White Dessert

If you love desserts, these recipes will totally fascinate you. Learn today in this article 3 ways to make a tasty white dessert. So, don’t hesitate to share these recipes with your family and friends. You will surprise more than one guest!

Since we were kids we have always been drawn to sweet flavors and that is why we never miss the opportunity to taste a good dessert. By the way, if you are still a fan of sweets, you are in luck because you will soon discover how to prepare a delicious white dessert in three different ways.

The white dessert also called blanc-manger generally relates to a sweet but also salty dessert. The white dessert is usually made from flavored milk and thickened with rice and potato or cornstarch. It looks like a custard and owes its name to its perfect whiteness. This is the reason why these desserts are so delicate and appetizing at the same time. These exquisite dishes will delight more than one guest and you can share them with friends or family to finish a good meal.

Blanc-manger is a dessert that dates back to the Middle Ages and was originally made from chicken breast, milk, sugar, cinnamon, rice starch and almonds. Depending on the country, this dessert has different names and preparations. The introduction by the Arabs of rice and almonds to Europe in the early Middle Ages substantially changed the recipe. In the 18th century, it became sweet and gelatin was added to it. In France, Louis XII was served a sweet blanc-manger esteemed as exquisite and called the royal blanc-manger made from rice pudding with almonds and chicken fillets.

As another example, in Latin America, the white dessert is called “Douceur de lait” ( Dulce de leche ) and in its preparation, we do not use chicken breast, but add a little vanilla flavoring. The term “manjar”, or met, is used in Peru, Chile, Colombia to qualify this type of white dessert. It is a cream traditionally prepared by slowly cooking milk, sugar, vanilla, citric acid and cinnamon.

Today in this article we are going to tell you how to prepare this white dessert in 3 different ways very quickly and easily, and with basic ingredients that you can buy everywhere. Do not wait any longer, discover these recipes and try these exquisite dishes reserved for gourmets. Now discover 3 ways to prepare a delicious white dessert.

1. Classic white dessert

milk dessert: the classic blanc-manger

What better way to end a great dinner than with a tasty and elegant white dessert? First of all, know that this recipe has a good amount of calories and carbohydrates. If you’re one of the figure-groomers, look for low-fat, calorie-free products to make your preparation as light as possible.


  • 4 cups of whole or skimmed milk (400 ml)
  • The skin of 2 lemons (20 g)
  • 1/2 cup of sugar (50 g)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 cups of starch or rice flour (200 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract (15 ml)


  • To start, in a bowl, mix one of the cups of milk with the rice starch or corn flour.
  • Then, in a saucepan, heat the remaining 3 cups of milk over low heat with the cinnamon stick and the skin of the lemons.
  • Before boiling, add half a cup of sugar and mix well.
  • Once the milk boils, remove the cinnamon stick and lemon zest and add the milk and flour mixture with the spoonful of vanilla extract. You need to reduce the heat a bit so that you can keep stirring gently until you get a smooth, creamy texture.
  • Then remove the mixture from the heat, let cool a little and pour everything into small molds. Let the mixture rest then place the small mussels in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  • To finish, all you have to do is unmold and serve these white desserts on beautiful plates with a little cinnamon or almond powder. And here it is, it’s ready, enjoy the delicacy of this delicious dessert.

2. Low calorie white dessert

Because we also think about the people who take care of what they eat, we are going to teach you how to make this delicious low calorie white dessert. In this way, you can also treat yourself and enjoy this tasty white dessert even if you are on a diet.


  • 3 cups of skimmed milk (300 ml)
  • 5 tablespoons of stevia (75 g)
  • 1 cup of cornstarch (100 g)
  • The skin of a lemon (10 g)
  • 1 cinnamon stick


  • First, in a saucepan over low heat, heat the skimmed milk, adding the cornstarch until a smooth cream forms.
  • Before the cream comes to a boil, add the cinnamon stick and lemon zest and mix constantly until you get a slightly creamy consistency.
  • Then remove the cream from the heat and let it cool gently. Then, serve this white cream in small molds specific for desserts. Before placing them in the refrigerator, let the mixture harden a little.
  • Finally, serve this light white dessert on small plates and, if desired, sprinkle a little cinnamon powder on the dish.

3. White dessert with apple and coconut

white apple and coconut dessert

This recipe is a great variation on the delicacy of the traditional white dessert and its preparation is very simple. The taste of apple and coconut added to this white dessert is a perfect combination that is sure to please everyone. Do not hesitate to prepare this white dessert to finish a good meal. To make this white fruit dessert, you will need the following ingredients:


  • 1/2 cup of apple pieces (50 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla (15 ml)
  • 3 cups of liquid cream (300 ml)
  • 1 cup of grated coconut (100 g)
  • 1 cup of cornstarch (100 g)
  • 1/2 cup of sugar (50 g)


  • To start, mix the liquid cream with the cornstarch in a saucepan. Once the mixture boils, remove it from the heat and let it cool.
  • Then pour the mixture into a bowl and add the apples, coconut, sugar and vanilla. Stir well so that the taste of the delicacy of this white dessert is even.
  • Finally, when the mixture is homogeneous, pour it into molds. Then, immediately place it in the refrigerator and keep cool for at least two hours before serving. You can decorate this white apple and coconut dessert with cinnamon.

Slightly tart, passion fruit is one of the most loved and sought after tropical fruits. It is eaten plain, cut in half and with a teaspoon, but also delicately flavor many desserts. Today we invite you to discover in this article two amazing dessert recipes. Be sure to find out how to make these delicious passion fruit desserts. Note these recipes and all our advice!

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