3 Natural Pain Relievers To Fight Back Pain

Usually, back pain occurs after a fall or a severe blow to the back. Although it can also occur as a result of an improper exercise session, excessive weight load or poor posture.

Lumbago is severe pain in the back and waist, but  it is sometimes also felt in the muscles and buttocks. It is usually the result of repeated poor postures, overload wearing or muscle damage. Combating lumbago is a task that requires consistency and persistence.

In addition, it is common for lumbago to occur following a fall or a violent blow to the back. Although it can also  appear after performing sports inadequately,  carrying a lot of weight or having poor posture.

Types of lumbago

A woman with back pain.

To deal with lumbago, it is important to know the different types. Depending on their characteristics, this pain  can be classified as follows.

Occasional lumbago

It is a pain that appears in the lower back area after making a sudden effort or adopting bad posture.  These are pains that go away on their own and last between 3 and 4 days.

Chronic or repetitive lumbago

If these episodes of low back pain  occur regularly and last for more than 12 weeks, they can eventually develop into chronic back pain. It is estimated that in 20% of cases, they become chronic. Lumbago is also associated with pregnancy, overweight, osteoarthritis and even emotional stress.

To combat this pain,  it is essential to correct bad postures  and avoid situations that favor it. These are the first steps in relieving the discomfort. In addition, it is advisable to receive physiotherapy, acupuncture or therapeutic massage sessions, as the case may be.

3 natural remedies to fight lumbago

The white willow

The salicylated derivatives of willow are anti-inflammatory, especially in the joints. They also act on pain and fever. Willow is therefore indicated in the treatment of colds and flu-like conditions. In addition,  it relieves all types of pain, including joint pain. Therefore, it is very useful in combating lumbago.

As an infusion,  you can take up to 3 cups per day of the decoction. Preferably in combination with other plants which stimulate its action and improve the taste. For example, yarrow, mint, viburnum and horsetail.


Grated ginger root.

This spice is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory power. This gives it magnificent properties to combat lumbar pain. Ginger can be used during lumbago in the form of an infusion or a poultice.

In case of infusion,  you can mix two tablespoons of ginger in half a liter of water. You can then drink it as it is or impregnate a gauze with this mixture and apply it to the painful area.

In addition, ginger is also useful for its  relaxing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Another form of use is gentle massage. For this, it is enough to mix 5 drops of essential oil of ginger with 10 drops of vegetable oils of sweet almonds.

Harpagophytum to fight lumbago

Some studies claim that treatment with harpagophytum  reduces lower back pain and the need for reliever medication in the short term . However, it is important to indicate that harpagophytum-based treatments for low back pain must last at least 2 or 3 months to perceive the effects and that they are durable.

Harpagophytum has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects. Due to its analgesic properties, it is also indicated when bone tissue and tendons show painful and inflammatory symptoms. The part of the plant that is used is the tuber in the form of capsules of 450-500mg.

On the other hand, it also has antispasmodic properties and therefore is effective in combating spasms. This is why it is also used to treat digestive discomfort such as gas, lack of appetite or abdominal distension.

How to prevent the recurrence of lumbago?

A woman doing yoga outdoors.

We recommend that you avoid nervous tension caused by stress as much as possible. It is indeed one of the main causes of back muscle contractures and the onset of pain.

Therefore, when you feel that the lumbar area is stiff, sit on a chair and bend the trunk until it is on your legs. Then hold this position for a few seconds.

In addition, consuming  infusions made from lemon balm or lavender will also help you calm your nerves and avoid contractures produced by tension. Physiotherapy, rehabilitation exercises, acupuncture, and relaxation therapies such as yoga, tai chi or meditation, are some of the practices that provide good results in the treatment and prevention of lumbago.

Combating lumbago: conclusion …

To avoid lumbago and enjoy a healthy back, one must also  maintain an adequate weight and participate in regular sports  such as swimming as well as stretching exercises. Finally, try to adopt correct postures in your daily life.

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