3 Medicinal Preparations That Will Help You Fight Against Allergies

If in addition to allergies, you have any other health problem or any intolerance, it is essential to consult a specialist before taking these remedies in case they cause an adverse reaction.

If we want to fight against allergies, we must resort to natural remedies with cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties. In this way and gradually, we will be able to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the allergy.

Discover in this article the 3 best medicinal preparations to fight against allergies. With ingredients like sage, rosemary, nettle, licorice, elderberry or clay, we will achieve a positive and lasting result.

Medicinal preparations for combating allergies

When we talk about allergies we are referring to a reaction of our body to external agents. This causes over-stimulation of our immune system. However, in all cases, it is also a symptom of the accumulation of toxins in our body.

Therefore, the basis of natural treatment should be the purification of these substances. We will do this by making the liver and kidneys function easier. In this way, we will notice a great improvement in symptoms.

On the other hand, the balance of our gut is also very important. We must therefore eat a diet rich in fresh and whole foods, drink plenty of water and ingest probiotic supplements to repopulate the intestinal bacterial flora.

1. Infusion of sage, rosemary and nettle

sage infusion to fight against allergies

The first remedy is based on the healing properties of three medicinal plants:

  • Sage: sage is a very common medicinal plant in ancient remedies dedicated to women. It helps us fight against allergies thanks to its anti-inflammatory power. In addition, it also has relaxing, digestive and balancing properties.
  • Rosemary: Rosemary relieves allergy-related inflammation, especially when it affects our eyes (dryness, itching, tears, etc.). In addition, it promotes circulation in general.
  • Nettle: nettle is a very detoxifying wild plant that facilitates the elimination of toxins. Its antihistamine effect reduces allergic rhinitis and largely improves our quality of life if we consume it regularly.

We can prepare a medicinal infusion with these three plants and take it daily. Always outside of meals for it to be more effective. We recommend combining it and alternating it with the other two curative remedies that we offer in this article.

2. Infusion of elderflower and licorice

elderflower and licorice infusion to fight against allergies

Another very effective anti-allergic infusion is that with elderflower and licorice:

  • Elderflower: This flower fights the common symptoms of allergies, such as itching, nasal congestion, inflammation of the throat, cough and flushing. It is also very effective in treating allergies that manifest on the skin. In this case, in addition to taking it, you can apply it topically.
  • Licorice: this plant with a sweet and intense taste is one of the best natural antihistamines, both as part of a topical application and orally. Moreover, an old treatment consists of preparing a liquorice bath as a cortisone. natural. Licorice has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect thanks to its main component, glycerin. In addition, it has the virtue of relieving the respiratory mucous membranes and facilitating the elimination of toxins from the body.

Note: Licorice can increase blood pressure. For this reason, if you are a person suffering from hypertension, it is necessary to consult a doctor or to resort to other remedies to fight against allergies in a natural way.

3. Clay water

Clay water is an ancient and simple remedy that helps us eliminate toxins from our body while at the same time fighting allergies. In addition, it is also an excellent home treatment for high cholesterol levels, gastric acidity and gastritis. Indeed, clay acts as a gastric protector.

When you take clay, you have to make sure that it is fit for consumption, because all kinds of clay are not. The most common clay used for allergies is white clay. In this way, we make sure that it does not contain heavy metals or other toxic substances.

How to consume clay water?

  • 1 tablespoon of powdered white clay (3 gr)
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)
  • Dissolve the powdered white clay in half a glass of water.
  • It is important not to use metal or plastic utensils but rather glass, ceramic or wood.
  • Let sit for 10 minutes.
  • Drink the preparation daily on an empty stomach.
  • If you have high blood pressure, avoid consuming the depot; drink only water.
  • Use this remedy every day for a minimum of one month. You can then take a break and repeat the treatment after a few weeks if necessary.

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