10 Home Remedies For Bad Foot Odor

Did you know that sage can help you remove bad odor from feet as well as shoes? Put a few sheets where you usually store them and you will see the result!

Whether it’s summer or winter, we feel embarrassed and even ashamed with our bad foot odor. 

The feet smell so much and they take on that cheesy smell, because they have more than 250,000 sweat glands. Yes, in such a small space!

It is one thing to be interested in the science, but quite another to act on it. So read this article to discover some home remedies to avoid bad foot odor.

Eliminate bad odor from the feet in a natural way

Before moving on to homemade recipes, it is good to know what are the reasons why you suffer from bad foot odor.

Here are the possible causes:

  • To be in shoes all day long, without making the feet breathe.
  • Use socks that do not absorb perspiration.
  • Exercise with unsuitable shoes .
  • Suffer from yeast infection between the toes or nails.
  • Stress or anxiety.
  • Ingestion of certain drugs.
  • Lack of hygiene in the feet. 
  • Use socks that are not clean or that are damp.
  • Having wet feet when it rains and not taking off your socks. 

As you can see, there are many causes of bad foot odor. The good news is that there are multiple home remedies to eliminate them:

1. Lemon

It is a powerful ingredient that helps eliminate bad odors in general, and feet in particular.

Cut a lemon in half and rub it between your toes (where the smell is strongest). Do not rinse and let dry. Then put on socks and shoes as usual.

2. Corn starch

It will help you keep your feet dry and prevent excessive sweating. Corn starch acts like a talc.

Put some on your feet and sprinkle some in your shoes as well. It will absorb moisture and thus, you will eliminate bad odor from the feet.

Before applying corn starch, your feet should be completely dry, in order to prevent an unpleasant paste from forming.

3. The vinegar

The acidity of this liquid kills bacteria that collects on the feet. In a container with 2 liters of lukewarm water, pour a cup of white vinegar.

Soak your feet in it for 15 minutes, pat them dry and repeat the process every day.

4. Epsom salts

They reduce bad odor from the feet by eliminating toxins that accumulate on the skin. You can get it at natural stores.


  • Half a basin of lukewarm water
  • 2 tablespoons of Epsom salts (9 g)


Put two tablespoons of Epsom salts in the water and soak the feet in it for 15 minutes.

Repeat the operation every night before going to bed, with clean, dry feet.

5. Gelatin

It may sound strange, but this gelatin home remedy can help you get rid of bad odor from your feet more easily.

Prepare the gelatin as directed on the package and wait for it to harden. Then slide the feet into the container and leave to act for 20 minutes.

6. Baking soda

It is very effective in reducing bacteria in the feet, but also bacteria that may have accumulated in shoes and socks.

Before you put on your shoes, sprinkle some baking soda in your shoes. 

Another option is to soak the feet in a basin with a few spoonfuls of baking soda and lukewarm water.

Soak the feet in it for 20 minutes and dry them well. Then repeat the operation every evening.

7. Vodka

It is not only used as a drink, as it also has antiseptic properties.

It is used to disinfect wounds, for example. In addition, it kills bacteria that cause bad odors.

It is enough to soak a cotton ball in a little vodka and to put it on the fingers and the soles of the feet, once the area is clean.

8. sage

This herb can help you reduce bad odor in your feet. There are different ways to experience the benefits of sage.

For example, you can crush some dry sage leaves and put them in wet shoes or socks, so that they absorb moisture and odor.

Use sage as a deodorant by putting it in cabinets and furniture. You can also mix it up and soak your feet in it.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 3 tablespoons of sage (6 g)


Prepare a usual tea then let stand for 15 minutes. Then filter and pour it into a basin where you will slide your feet for 20 minutes.

Sage contains tannic acid. It is a component that will help you reduce sweating caused by foot odor.

9. Black tea

The properties of this infusion are numerous. Indeed, it has been discovered that black tea is able to destroy bacteria while closing the pores, in order to avoid excessive sweating. 


  • 3 liters of water
  • 4 tablespoons of loose black tea (o 6 tea bags) (8 g)


Heat the water until it boils and add the tea. Then leave the decoction for 15 minutes.

Remove from the heat, let cool a little and put everything in a basin. If you used loose tea, filter first.

Soak the feet in it for half an hour.

10. Ginger

Buy a ginger root and grate it as finely as possible. You can also buy powdered ginger directly.

Put it in a container with water and boil for 25 minutes, then filter using a coffee filter.

Use the remaining liquid to gently massage your feet. Then repeat this operation every night before sleeping, for 2 weeks in a row.

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