10 Alternative Uses For Paper Towel

To ensure that your fried foods are crunchy and not too greasy, place them on a few sheets of paper towel so that they absorb the excess fat.

Paper towel is a household item that is present in the majority of homes, as an alternative to the tea towels that are used to clean surfaces.

However, even though it has multiple uses, many people only use it for cleaning up leaks or spills, or for absorbing excess fat from foods, as these are the uses that advertisements highlight. .

However, it is not only used for this: the paper towel has alternative uses that make certain tasks around the house easier.

Read the rest of this article to discover the multiple uses of paper towel!

Remove the threads from the ears of corn

The small threads that cover the ears of corn are not so easy to remove and can be time consuming.

A simple sheet of paper towel can help us get rid of it in seconds and effortlessly!

To do this, moisten a paper towel and rub it on the corn cob. It’s as simple as that!

The oil bottle

After several uses, your bottle of oil can get sticky and that’s quite unpleasant.

To prevent this, fold a sheet of paper towel and secure it with a rubber band near the bottle cap.

In this way, the oil will not run off the sides of the bottle. 

Filter the fat from the broth

Chicken or beef broth tends to leave excess fat that is very difficult to remove even if it floats on the surface.

To get rid of it, you just have to cover a colander with paper towel and strain the broth.

Avoid oxidation of molten steel pans

Cast steel pots and pans tend to oxidize easily when not given the proper treatment.

It is very important to dry them well before putting them away and you can also put paper towels between each pan.

Dry the vegetables

Most vegetables should be washed and sanitized before placing them in the crisper or preparing them.

However, the problem is that there are still traces of moisture left from the water that has not fully evaporated from the colander.

To achieve rapid and complete drying, then take two sheets of paper towel, cover a container or a bowl and pour in the vegetables you want to dry.

Testing the seeds

Think your seeds are too old to sow?

If you are in doubt about their possible growth, try the following tip:

  • Moisten two sheets of paper towel and put the seeds in the middle, so that they are well covered.
  • Then put them in a warm place, moistening them regularly.
    If after two weeks they do not germinate, they are no longer good. 

Fresher bread

One of the tips for keeping bread longer is to put it in the freezer.

However, for the preservation of bread to be even more efficient, a good idea is to wrap it with a sheet of paper towel so that it absorbs the moisture.

This will prevent the appearance of fungi and prolong the freshness of this food.

Absorb moisture from brown sugar

Generally, brown sugar releases natural moisture which over time makes it more compact.

To remedy this, then put the sugar in a container covered with paper towel and you will see that it will return to its initial state the following day.

Fried with less fat

Here, the paper towel will help absorb the fat.

So when it comes to grease or oils, paper towel is great for removing excess.

If you want your fries to be crunchy and not very oily, spread several sheets of paper towel on a plate or a colander, and then let your fries rest on them so that the excess fat disappears.

Fresh vegetables for longer

Do your vegetables start to break down very quickly?

To avoid this problem, wrap them in paper towel before storing them in the refrigerator.

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